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Kindergarten Christmas Show!

After two weeks of singing and dancing practice, decorating the hall and the classrooms, and two meetings it is finally the day of the Christmas Show!! We only reviewed the final order of everything yesterday, but it should go smoothly. Emily and I decide to go to school a little earlier today in case there are final preparations. Walking up to the classrooms you can see all of the children in MEP in Santa suits and dresses! Red as far as the eye can see! They are so cute and excited once they see us! Jumping up and down, saying, "Teacher!! Good morning!" or "Merry Christmas!" It is hard not to have your heart melt a little seeing their excitement and joy seeing you!

So once the normal morning activities take place all of the children in our program are led off to the hall where the Christmas really is, all around. The show began after an introduction by two of our teachers with a Christmas story that we found online the night before. Unfortunately, I did not watch the whole video with the story and just assumed that it was the five minutes and forty three seconds long. Because of this Emily read the first part of the story and I was to read the second. However, I only read about 4 sentences before it was over. Oops!

So one slight hiccup to start off with, the rest should have been smooth sailing. Now I don't know if you are aware of this, but trying to get about 180 kindergarteners to listen and follow directions is not the easiest of tasks. Of course the fact that we don't speak Thai probably did not help this situation. Every time we needed them to move, either into lines to the left and right, or making two large circles it took probably 10 minutes longer than expected. Luckily, our amazing teachers were there to cohost and help with the students.

The story was finished and the children didn't realize if they raised their hands and answered a question correctly they would get a present from Santa Claus!! Who had entered the building at this time, and definitely excited (and distracted) the kids. After the three questions and desperate raised hands had finished it was time for the first show! Having help from a visiting teacher, she got to draw to see who the first class would be to perform.

After they finished their performance the first game was up. Two boys and then two girls from each class had to hold a balloon between their chests or heads and race to another cone, go around it and run back. Needless to say this was highly entertaining as they had a hard time keeping the balloon and making it to the end. Some of the girls not understanding that they had to wait until 3 to start running with to the cones, and quite a few wipeouts.

The show continued like this, with a game and then performance until all four classes had gone. Two of the other games were also pretty fun to watch. These were eating without using your hands, two cookies, two pieces of watermelon and followed by chugging a box of milk. Luckily it wasn't the gallon challenge so there wasn't any vomit. The other game was where 10 presents were wrapped into one big one, each layer revealing a new present. I did the math and because I had so many girls in my classes I bought 5 specific girl presents, hair clips, and hoped for the best. Unfortunately I had to monitor and switch out a few gifts because it kept landing on boys!

After the final performance Emily and I had to pick the most beautiful girls and handsome boys. I interpreted this as one boy and girl from yellow, and one boy and girl from red... I was wrong. After picking two girls I was told my mistake and could only pick one boy now. It was a little chaotic but in the end ok.

To end this epic show all of the teachers gathered together at the front while Emily and I led singing of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. It was a little stressful, but overall a lot of fun. I think all of the kids had a great time and really loved the show. After lunch our incredible teachers gathered Emily and I together and gave both of us a present. It was a hand knitted scarf!! But Thai style which meant it was short and just around the neck. They are in one of the pictures. It was so unexpected and sweet!

Being surrounded by that much Christmas spirit, decorations and pure children joy made the day and this holiday so much easier. Being away from home during the holidays is never easy for anyone. This is my second year away from home for Christmas. It is also my fourth year without my dad and my second year without my mom. It is so hard thinking of this time and having the memories of them and previous Christmases. It is even harder when I don't have my family nearby to understand the mixed emotions that come with this time of year.

Luckily, I have some incredible friends that really have made this whole experience better and also really care about this holiday. Not being with my immediate family is hard, but it is so nice having my Thailand family. While I'm sure I'll be sad on Sunday, I can embrace the new memories that I'm creating now and know how much my parents would be proud of me, and excited for me.

So Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! No matter where you are in the world, or who you are with, please enjoy and embrace the experiences you create this holiday season! Life is short, remember how lucky you are and always be grateful!

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